Do you remember the first time you rode the plane? Nowadays, it’s very easy for kids to experience their first plane ride as fares are cheaper. Thanks to budget airlines that once had a vision that every person can ride a plane once in their lives. I took my first plane ride when I was 5 years old. Lucky to experience that young, I was with my mom and my sister when all of us rode the plane for the first time to travel. I had no idea what was this travel is all about, even did not have any knowledge where we’re going. All I knew was that, we’re riding the plane and we were going somewhere far where my dad studied his Master’s degree. Not all kids, during that time, had that chance. And definitely, not all kids had the chance to travel to Europe so I am most thankful to my lola (who’s in US) who gave us this opportunity. Here’s my picture back then. We had a stopover in Hongkong Airport and this innocent kid asked her mom why we were getting down the plane. My mom answered...