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How I Made It Thru My Laziness

I woke up one morning and thought, I want to shop! But I was too lazy to get up and dress myself to pass by malls before I go to work. And then, I remembered my good friend Zalora.

I wasn't really a fan of buying things online (especially huge amounts) because I feel my credit card might get screwed and might end me owing something I did not purchase. Aside from that, I was also not really very confident that I might not get the right size or it's not the one I bought, or simply, I don't like it at all, pala! Until I knew of someone who has tried this online purchasing and so I tried it. 

This is already my second time to buy in Zalora. Remember, after being curious of buying online., this time Zalora helped my PMS-ing issues. :) 

Zalora has thousands of goods anything from clothes to shoes to accessories, branded or from the marketplace, for men and of course, for the ladies. My favorites come from Spring Fling and Something Borrowed. Affordable, classy and good materials, Zalora chooses their line of items for sale well. Sort items by price, popularity or by doscount, Zalora makes it easy for you to shop.

You need to have an account to get through, a few clicks, and then...

There are ways on you can pay for your items - credit card, bank deposit or cash on delivery (just make sure you are there when they deliver). Deliver fee costs Php 100 but when you buy worth Php 1,000, delivery fee is free :)

My items arrived 2 days after. It was actually more exciting than buying in malls because you'll have to wait and see how the items will look (and feel) like. No need to worry if it doesn't fit you or so, attached in the packaging is an instruction how you can return the items with terms and conditions.

Here's what was delivered to me :)

The box came  with coupons on your next purchase and an insta-prize entry.

Some tips in buying in Zalora:
1. Know your size. Do not settle with what size is available, skip it and just look for other items.
2. Read reviews on the item, if available, especially if it's your first time.
3. Bulk buy and try to reach Php 1,000 to save for the delivery fee. (But don't force if you're like buying only a few hundreds worth. You might end up buying you do not need.)
4. If you're a couple of hundreds from reaching a thousand, look for items in the beauty section to buy soap, shampoo or anything you used to buy from the grocery (Just like I did) or something you know you can give it as a present later on. I did not force myself to buy something I will not use.
5. Make sure you provide the correct details and there will be someone to receive the items if you are not around.

Buying online saves time and effort and brings more excitement when the items arrive. :)

Happy shopping!


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