I have been browsing through my external hard disk looking for an inspiration to write about in this blog. And then I saw this family picture of ours way back 2008 when we had a vacation in Bohol - our first time we rode a plane locally for family vacation that we are already complete. Yes, complete. The first time we really had a vacation locally was in Surigao, when I was going to High School but my brother, Carlo was not yet born.
I realized how lucky we are to have vacations locally and abroad. Thrifty but fun travels - that was our secret. The last time we rode a non-Filipino owned airplane (CX flight) was way back 2007 when it was Disneyland where everyone wants to go.
I realized how lucky we are to have vacations locally and abroad. Thrifty but fun travels - that was our secret. The last time we rode a non-Filipino owned airplane (CX flight) was way back 2007 when it was Disneyland where everyone wants to go.
(I can't find a complete family picture)
Since then, we had several, but not too many- travels. I always say this to my younger batch two siblings - Carlo and Clarissa how lucky they are to travel young. I had mine when I was a little over 1 year old when we had to travel more than 6 hours to go to our province in Or. Mindoro. It was quite frequent, looking at my baby photo albums. But probably, the vacation I cannot forget was our travel Europe. Unfortunately, hindi pa uso ang digital camera - Keukenhoff- garden of tulips, old school windmills (the ones we see in Anchor commercials, not those in Ilocos Norte which I have yet to see) and of course, snow.
My brother was in third grade when we had a snow experience in Korea.
I was sick in Hongkong (2009), I decided to treat my family to the Happiest Place on Earth!
Day tour in Corregidor
A new experience - hiking in Hongkong (2013) right after landing HKIA (well, after leaving our bags in YMCA Hotel lobby)
That was our last, I guess. But we still had more - I have yet to look for them. Singapore, Palawan, La Union, etc.
Lester and I just finished our application for marriage license. Yes, wedding is less than a hundred days to go. (License is valid 120 days after release). I'll miss these travels and family pictures. Yet probably, one thing's for sure, I'll have new faces - my husband and my future kids - in my future family pictures, or probably old faces and new faces travelling and smiling in one family picture.