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Post Long Weekend Reflection

A few weeks ago, I read Patty Laurel's blog about her reflection on Phil Dooley as he preached in Hillsong Sidney and her takeaway: Compare less, contemplate more. It was really a very good timing when I read about this blog because I am at a part of my life wherein I keep on comparing things and so and now that I am married, I still drool over elegant, chic and rustic wedding set ups, beaded gowns and beautifully arranged bridal bouquet and that sometimes I was thinking I should've done this and that.

But realizing this things, I stopped regretting, instead, I take them as inspirations for anytime soon I may celebrate a silver wedding with my husband. And instead of envious of friends getting engaged with humongous blings, I look back and remember the time of my life when I received mine from my ex-boyfriend. And when I see drool over big time supplied-wedding, I still realize that at then end of the day both of us still got married and I'm sure both of us enjoyed that day of our lives that we vowed to the Lord to spend the rest of our lives with our husbands.

Having said that, I begin to reflect that God is really equal. He provides the right time for everything and we should not blame any one for being not able to do this and that. It's God's challenge for us to make our lives better. I remember when I was still young, my family had a vacation in Puerto Galera and we crossed by a private beach called "Coco Beach". And we really wished we stayed in that resort and I remember I told myself, "someday...". True enough, that "someday" happened many years later, twice - with my family and with my ex-now-husband. And that's when I thought, God is really fair that He will always provide in His best time.

Life has temptations, envy and pride. But life is full of more beautiful things that make us happier individuals and in God's true time, He will provide.

Let me share our favorite shot during our wedding. This picture reflects elegance, beauty and perfect timing.

Photo by JR Salonga


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