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The Search for the Right Pedia

As new parents, Lester and I wanted the best for Sofia and during her first year, the best that we can provide to her is the best pediatrician who will not only care for Sofia’s health but also guide us, new parents.

There was only one thing in my mind that I require for a pediatrician – a true breastfeeding advocate. Not because it’s “in” and because all moms look for them but because they are passionate about this advocacy.

We’ve tried four pediatricians but we stayed for a few months (or even days or weeks) with some of them and lasted to our fourth one. Let me tell you why:

First Pedia:
I’ve probably named her already in some of my blogs after I delivered Sofia. She was an advocate. She taught me how to breastfeed and never recommended giving formula. We got Sofia’s shots from her and her style was more on “let me know how parenthood went” and then after that, she’ll give advice. We “clicked” because she was almost of the same age as ours (a schoolmate of mine, some years older). Then suddenly, Sofia did not poop for a few days at 2 months of age. Everyone in the household was worried but I wasn’t being aware that it was okay (for some reasons that I did not know that time). We brought Sofia to her and she did not give us a good explanation, gave us probiotics (to be mixed in breastmilk in the bottle, but I was like how? I direct feed her because that was a weekend!) and somehow suspected that she has Hirschprung Disease. So she gave us recommendation for ultrasound and all in case she doesn’t poop after a few days of probiotics but we chose not to and seek for another opinion.

Second Pedia:
This we met after bringing her to the first pedia to get another opinion. He told us that she doesn’t need probiotics and instead recommended suppository. It was effective but we did not come back. It was like an encounter and so we just want Sofia’s poop out of her butt. We never went back to him.

Third Pedia:
Oh, this one. She seems to have a lot of experience already. She was an alternative for Sofia’s shots because she has cheaper price and is just 10 minutes away from our home. But I never wanted her since day 1. We just came back for Sofia’s shots but never took her advice. First time we went to her, she asked me if I am working. I said yes. Since Sofia is exclusively breastfeeding (since the day she was born) but I was working, she was like, “mauubos ang milk mo. There will come a time that you will not get enough milk. So bigyan ko siya ng formula just in case. She also needs vitamins.” I was like, I have a freezer-full of breast milk!!! I know what I’m doing and I know I’m not gonna run out of milk! (haha, until now, doc :P) We came back to her twice for shots and for weight monitoring. But the turning point that made us stop going to this pedia was when she recommended fruit juice at three months!!! Lester asked the kind of juice we will “give”. She said squeezed orange, etc. And she’s okay giving those pineapple juice in can!!! And then we were just, “yes doc, yes doc.” But when we went to the car, we just laughed it off. We came back I think after that for weight monitoring and asked us about the fruit juice and Lester was like, “sa una po ayaw niya, pero naging okay naman.” Oh my, he lied!!! And we never went back.

Fourth Pedia:
A lot different from all pedias I’ve met. First, he doesn’t take health cards as payment, and next, you have to line up as early as 6am just to be first in line. But!!! It’s all worth it. The truest breastfeeding advocate pedia. He has finally explained why my daughter did not poop for several days and explained why I should not give her water or any liquids other than breastmilk until she turns one (yeah, mom’s sacrifice). He explained as well why pedias are not recommending manzanillas. He weighs his patients bare naked – no clothes or diapers. He’ll ask history from the mom’s pregnancy until birth and all the other health issues both sides might have in the family. So imagine how long our first consultation was. He explains very well every vaccine to be shot to Sofia, shows us the box, possible side effect and all. Best of all, he washes his hands first with soap and water before touching my daughter (some would just use alcohol or gloves so I guess he’s more hygienic). Also, he can be reached anywhere around the world unlike some pedia who do not give their personal numbers. He was very strict in terms of weight gain because that is his specialization and very strict in breastmilk intake during Sofia’s first year. I remember when Sofia was having a hard time pooping when she was already taking solids, his advice was just give her more milk and no water. My dad met him when Sofia was hospitalized because of viral infection and he told me he is a good doctor (yeah, coming from him who doesn’t trust doctors most of the time). My dad said he’s a scientist – he makes conclusions based on facts. We did not know that to find out if one has UTI, urine has go through urine culture and once positive with UTI, it’s harder to treat and not just antibiotics as medicine, at least for babies. Sofia did not take meds as a follow through after her hospitalization and she was totally fine. Until now, he is still Sofia’s pedia and we have no plans of changing. Highly recommended.

It took us four months to find the right pediatrician. My advice is to keep looking until you find the doctor who will help you as your child grows. It’s like a feeling or an instinct when you found the right pediatrician. A good health provider is the best you can give to your little ones the moment they are born (well, aside from cuddles, love and breast milk of course).


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