Gestational Diabetes- that’s what my OB has been suspecting that might have two weeks ago when I had my check up. I’m guessing it was the mangoes, juice, and white rice and I thought the amount I was eating was just enough to satisfy my craving. But it seems not- though my endo was not really worried about it because my blood sugar and urine tests show normal results, my OB still insists I might have one. I was even thinking my OB is just over-acting on the situation and even still asked me to see the in-house endo in the hospital where I will give birth.
It worries me a lot though – I see my daughter getting bigger everyday. I feel very normal though – I am not a big preggo mom. But with that suspicion, I needed to prick my finger three times a day for two weeks to check my blood sugar. All of these foods are very tempting but I’m doing this for my daughter.
With that saying and to tone down the stress level, I’m avoiding hearing negative vibes around me- that I need to do this and that and especially telling me that I should’ve eaten this and that. I do not want to hear you! Haha. I’m just listening to my doctors, my husband and myself.
Just like this in mind, I’m beginning to worry about breastfeeding. I’m reading a lot of issues new moms encounter who decide to breastfeed their children. Although I’m still positive and determined to do it, I’m beginning to almost welcome FM. I’m not sure if I’ll go through this breastfeeding with breeze so I have decided to welcome FM IF AND ONLY IF my health is already at risk. So no judging here... I realize giving FM doesn’t make someone less of a mom and more of braving herself telling the world that she has given up the norms, deviated from the perfect world and faced breastfeeding moms-who-are-so-positive-about-it-that-they-tend-see-non-breastfeeding-moms-to-be-weak.
I’m open to meet with a lactation consultant still when I give birth. And will stay positive about breastfeeding and determined to offer my daughter this golden milk. And I’m praying really hard to produce a lot because I have a goal as well to share my milk if I have enough for my child.
Moms go through a lot of things, and now I understand. But whatever it is, mom’s decisions are the best. No one else can decide for our child but his parents. Best of luck to me... less than one and a half months to go!
It worries me a lot though – I see my daughter getting bigger everyday. I feel very normal though – I am not a big preggo mom. But with that suspicion, I needed to prick my finger three times a day for two weeks to check my blood sugar. All of these foods are very tempting but I’m doing this for my daughter.
With that saying and to tone down the stress level, I’m avoiding hearing negative vibes around me- that I need to do this and that and especially telling me that I should’ve eaten this and that. I do not want to hear you! Haha. I’m just listening to my doctors, my husband and myself.
Just like this in mind, I’m beginning to worry about breastfeeding. I’m reading a lot of issues new moms encounter who decide to breastfeed their children. Although I’m still positive and determined to do it, I’m beginning to almost welcome FM. I’m not sure if I’ll go through this breastfeeding with breeze so I have decided to welcome FM IF AND ONLY IF my health is already at risk. So no judging here... I realize giving FM doesn’t make someone less of a mom and more of braving herself telling the world that she has given up the norms, deviated from the perfect world and faced breastfeeding moms-who-are-so-positive-about-it-that-they-tend-see-non-breastfeeding-moms-to-be-weak.
I’m open to meet with a lactation consultant still when I give birth. And will stay positive about breastfeeding and determined to offer my daughter this golden milk. And I’m praying really hard to produce a lot because I have a goal as well to share my milk if I have enough for my child.
Moms go through a lot of things, and now I understand. But whatever it is, mom’s decisions are the best. No one else can decide for our child but his parents. Best of luck to me... less than one and a half months to go!